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premature ventricular contraction meaning in Hindi

premature ventricular contraction sentence in Hindi
कालपूर्व निलय संकुचन
premature    अकाल जरा अपक्व
ventricular    निलय-
contraction    दबाव मरोड़ा
1.The ectopic beat is typically a premature ventricular contraction ( PVC ).

2.This can be seen most dramatically in the case of premature ventricular contraction.

3.The premature ventricular contraction causes early emptying of the left ventricle ( LV ) into the aorta.

4.In the time a normal heart would beat twice, Adriana's produced three beats _ premature ventricular contractions, or PVCs.

5.In the four episodes, Cheney had what are known as premature ventricular contractions, a type of skipped beat, Zipes said.

6.Patients may also get premature ventricular contractions due to the increased levels of potassium released from the muscles during episodes.

7.Ventricular escape beats differ from ventricular extrasystoles ( or premature ventricular contractions ), which are spontaneous electrical discharges of the ventricles.

8."' Heart rate turbulence ( HRT ) "'is the return to equilibrium of heart rate after a premature ventricular contraction ( PVC ).

9.When a Purkinje fiber does fire, it is called a premature ventricular contraction or PVC, or in other situations can be a ventricular escape.

10.:No . What is perceived as " missed beats " are usually premature ventricular contractions, usually a rare and harmless phenomenon in young healthy people.

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irregularity of cardiac rhythm; recurrent occurrences can be a precursor of ventricular fibrillation
Synonyms: PVC,

How to say premature ventricular contraction in Hindi and what is the meaning of premature ventricular contraction in Hindi? premature ventricular contraction Hindi meaning, translation, pronunciation, synonyms and example sentences are provided by Hindlish.com.